Dear bride, are you just a few weeks away from your wedding day? And, is your skin glowing and hair shining as they show in Bollywood movies? If your answer to the second question is a sad “no”, well, it’s quite understandable. But, there’s absolutely nothing that a little TLC (Tender Loving Care!!) can’t cure.

Weddings bring with it a lot of work and preparation. And, a bride has many more tasks to take care of besides just concentrating on her skin and hair regime. However, that doesn’t mean we can’t turn the situation around. Incorporate these simple foods in your daily meals before your wedding and watch your face glow.

Green Tea –

Green tea is a power-packed performer. Wake up in the morning and sip a cup of fresh green tea with a dash of honey and lemon. Green tea is rich in antioxidants and does wonders for the skin, meaning, it flushes out free radicals. Moreover, green tea is a saviour for inflamed and acne-prone skin because it does a great job of unclogging pores and treating acne. Even if you don’t have acne-prone skin, incorporating green tea in your diet gives you glowing skin because of its abundance of vitamin E. Not only for skin, but green tea is a very powerful ingredient for hair growth as well. The antioxidants present in green tea provide necessary nutrients to your tresses and skin and fortifies it against harmful elements such as pollution, hair products used during weddings and other hair treatments that are sometimes quite necessary for a wedding.

Nuts –

Nuts are a powerhouse of rich fibre, healthy fats and calcium. Nuts are very important for the skin because they help to build collagen and its longevity. Include nuts like almonds, walnuts, cashews and pistachios in your diet. During evenings, when you feel your sugar levels dip and the need to binge eat, munch on some nuts instead of reaching out for sugar-laden munchies. However, nuts contain a lot of calories, so don’t go overboard!

Yoghurt –

This age-old food is nothing short of being a superfood! Yoghurt or Dahi has many wondrous benefits like combating sun damage and dark circles. Not just that, yoghurt acts as a natural moisturizer and also has wonderful gut-calming effects. Also, it is a go-to food for weight loss. Include a regular bowl of yoghurt in your lunch. Add some berries or sliced fruits like apples, grapes to make it even more delicious.

Warm Water with Lemon –

This beautiful drink has been recommended for ages now. Include a glass of lukewarm water with a dash of lemon and honey at the start of your day to flush out all the toxins from your body. This gives lustrous hair and glowing skin and helps clear your gut.

These little dietary inclusions will go a long way to give you glowing skin and shiny tresses on your wedding day with minimal effort. And, before you know it, you’ll be looking like a Bollywood diva!

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